What is ePravesh.com


Do you want to use technology to automate Admission Process?

Do you want to go paperless with entire student admission and management?

Our platform is just what you need to get started …


We have been working with hundreds of universities, education institutions and schools.We have automated admission process along with fee collection process successfully. We have been rewarded as award winning platform by media. Our flagship algorithm for managing centralized admission helps to automate admission allocation process.

We have implemented technology security with advance audit logging to secure the system.You can have custom application form as per your need.You can even accept admission documents digitally.Merit list can be generated according to criteria like category, domicile, marks etc.

Entire Reporting can simplify your admission and student management. Many universities have automated entrance exam management using our platform.

With have implemented best practices with feedback from educationists and technology experts.

So what are you waiting for?

Connect with us for Free Demo to get started with our award winning solution for Digital Admissions.

demo of ePravesh online admission solution







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